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Advanced Reactive System Screening Tool ARSST

Low thermal-inertia (low phi-factor)  open test cell Adiabatic  Calorimeter

Easy to use and cost effective calorimeter that can quickly and safely identify potential chemical hazard in the process industry

Product Details Product Data
Phi-F actor:

Typically 1.05 , depending on Sample mass and heat capacity

Test Cell

Spherical, available in 5 , 1 0 , or 20 ml sizes

Test Cell Material:

Glass for vent sizing applications Glass, Titanium, Hastealloy and Stainless Steel for Screening

Sample Type:

Liquids and solids


Magnetic Stirrer

Pressure Vessel:

350 ml for standard vessel

450 m l for high pressure vessel

Pressure Range:

FV to 500 psi (35 bar) for standard vessel

FV to 1000 psi (70 bar) for high pressure vessel

Temperature Range:

-50°C to 700°C


Syringe, injection piston, or syringe pump

Available Scan Rates:

Up to 30°C/min

  • Reliable results
  • Quick turnaround
  • Inexpensive
  • Apply to mixtures or pure species
  • Results (temperature and pressure rise rates) can be directly applied to process scale
  • Minimal reactive hazard experience needed