1080 Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
Wide operational range (50 ppb –2,000 ppm C)
The 1080 Total Organic Carbon Analyzer uses high-temperature (680 ºC) catalytic combustion to oxidize and convert organic compounds present in aqueous samples to CO2 for measurement by a solid-state, non-dispersive infrared detector (SS-NDIR). The system has a wide operational range of 50 ppb to 2,000 ppm and can analyze the total organic carbon (TOC), total inorganic carbon (TIC), and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC) content of a variety of aqueous samples. The 1080 TOC supports USEPA-approved methods, Standard Methods, ASTM, DIN/ISO/CEN, and EU Methods. Analyze up to 300 samples per day (>100,000 per year), depending upon the method employed.

Wide operational range (50 ppb –2,000 ppm C) • Supports TC/TIC/TOC/NPOC analysis techniques and standard measurements
• Patented* Smart Slide injector extends o-ring life and reduces maintenance
• Patented* Tube Guard extends furnace tube life and reduces maintenance • Intuitive, easy-to-use software